I spent some focused time with God today. Those seemingly to rare moments when you are able to actually shut the door to the room you are walking into and just blare some worship music and spend some quality face time. Those moments that seem to be all to infrequent. As I popped in my new Jesus Culture CD and just got into the Word and prayer a few things came to light. My skills from Radiant School of Ministry when Pastor Jon taught us about really looking into the context of a verse came out. So I would like to share with you the things that God showed me in the hope that God would speak to you in the way he did to me through these scriptures-and just perhaps It would spark a greater hunger in you to look into the Word and let God reveal them to you in a way you haven't ever seen before. So come with me to cross the river Jordan wont you? +Psalm 42:5-6 Why am I discouraged? Why so sad? I will put my hope in you God! I will praise him again-my Savior and my God! Now I am deeply discouraged, but I will remember your kindness- from Mount Hermon, the source of the Jordan, from the land of Mount Mizar. Now if you are like me I had the first part of that verse underline-you know how it is- you think YA God! I trust you even though I'm sad!! Ya! And then you start to trail off as you read about Mount Hershey is it? And that one river? And Mount Marzipan-isn't that a food or something? Maybe its just me...but that is how I read that verse. I have no clue what David was speaking of here with the random mounts and rivers. Today, however as I read I decided to look into it. What was David talking about? So I grabbed out my handy dandy Bible Dictionary and looked up "Hermon, Mount" then flipped over to "Jordan River". This is what it said that I found noteworthy-
- Also known as the "Sacred Place" in the local language, this Mount is also assumed to be the Mount of Transfiguration.
- This mount was year round covered with snow. Even through the parched summer months there was snow on the hillsides in the shade of trees on this mountain. DON'T MISS THIS- In the summer, due to the amount of snow on the Mount, there was a dew that would descend on the surrounding valleys even in the midst of the dry parched times.
- This mountain and its snow was part of the source of the Jordan River…
- David was probably referencing when he was fleeing the rebellion of his son Absolom and he crossed the Jordan to protect himself from harm.
- David may also have been turning his mind back to the fact that as Joshua lead the Hebrews across the Jordan River they finally were entering the Holy Land, they were receiving their promise from God.
- This was also the river where in the years to come John the Baptist would baptize Jesus Christ as Jesus was initiated into his time of ministry.
"Ok cool, it's a place with some stuff going on" you may think. But friend! Did you see what David was thinking of? Did you see what he was prophesying about? David was passionately declaring that he would remember all God had done for him in relation to these places. David remembered the refreshment that God provided in the parched valley. Is it too far of a connection to make that as he remembered the kindness of God in how he answered his prayer "As
the deer pants for the streams of water, so I long for you. O God. I thirst for God, the living God…" He prayed this at the beginning of the very same Psalm. David was a poet, he knew how to use metaphors, allegories and a simile like the best of them-he was thanking God for his kindness in revealing the satisfaction to his thirst for the Spirit-do you need to have your thirst quenched in this dry land? Do you feel like your standing at the foot of that mountain-you see the snow and hear the waters that flow in the Jordan, but you still dry inside? God in his kindness wants to show you the dew of Heaven, the dew of his presence.And do not forget this is very likely the mount where Jesus was transfigured, where he went up with his closest disciples and met with his friends of old. If this was the same mountain-perhaps David was prophetically speaking of how God was quenching his thirst by revealing friendship, glory and a piece of heaven? He wants to have that face to face fellowship with you, he wasn't to show you his kindness with unveiled glory. This is all theoretical, but the connections all seemed to come into place as I looked into Mount Hermon.
The Jordan River was the symbolic border line that the Hebrews crossed as they entered the Promise Land-so I ask you, what promise have you been waiting for? There is a kindness God wants to show you, he wants you to know that the promise he has planted in your heart is obtainable when you follow him, when you love him and when you trust him.
So dear friend, I hope you can read between the confusing lines above and hear the heart beat of your father speaking through the heart of a great man of God-David. Would you join in David's prayer and say that no matter what is happening around you, whether the 'land' is parched, whether you have yet to reach the promise land-will you remember God's kindness? Will you dig into the WORD to hear the heartbeat of the father on the other side? So I challenge you, find your river Jordan, cross it and don't forget the kindness that God showed you on the Mount.