A Word for Those Afraid of the Flame

I find comfort in the reality that we serve a God who doesn't hesitate to help us live up to what our highest potential is. Our God wants to see us walking in all he has for us-the processes however to training ourselves to run that race in a way well done-that's not always a path marked with rainbows and puppy dogs. Sometimes leaving our fluffy little house of pillow soft friends and candy sweet words can hurt like a bee sting in the ankle. But one thing I know is that when we find ourselves in those painful situations-our God can work all things for our good (Romans 8:28) I also know that God can often call us to move beyond the boundaries of our comfortable routine. And I have personally experienced what happens if you too long resist that leading. When I ignored God calling me to change an area in my life, or to address a distraction-eventually I was able to ignore his voice speaking to me about that issue. When we do that we are pulling away from God's growth process for us……with all this and more weighing heavy on my heart at this week's Sunday night prayer service, I felt God speaking to me. I felt convicted at his words-and I know that he wants YOU to hear this too. Please don't push away God's leading anymore in that area that is on your mind right now…please read this word with an open heart to hear what God may be speaking to you, and if your palms get sweaty and your heart beats a little faster-remember that we can only ignore God's voice so long until we become experts on the phrase "those who have ears but cannot hear"

+Hebrews 12L29-28 (NLT) Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping him with holy fear and awe. For our God is a devouring fire.

"My child- you have strayed from my fire. The answered prayers were hot and burnt a sensitive place on your heary. Did you see that as you pulled away- I wouldn't continue to purge with out your wiling submission? Come close again-I've removed chains but there's more. Let me burn away all that lies in the dark corners. Come further still. You see the pain. You hear the anguish-will you still choose to draw near? Will you let me come as close as I desire? Dear one, do not draw from a shallow account. Deeper, closer I call you to carry a cross-but not alone. But you must take it up with eager focus. Not a cross of a task, not of a call, not of a ministry, but a pursuit; a passionate pursuit of me. No other cross will be heaver for the weight of your soul is in every splinter of the wood. Every heart beat for me is another step closer to the flame. Come take a closer walk by the fire. The chains do not just break, in my presence they are melted into holy ore. From the ore I forge anew the sword of the Spirit that come from the lips of the King to battle on your behalf. Closer I call you to the flame. Forever Faithful is he called, the One who holds out his hand to you, has He not been there before? Does he not know the price? Does He not offer a cry at your pain? Come and turn to the flame to be cleansed and strengthened. He who has called you is faithful, he will do this."

+James 4:7-10 (NLT) So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw close to god and God will draw closet you, wash your hands, you sinners; purify you hearts, you hypocrites. Let there be tears for the wrong things you have done. Let there be sorrow and deep grief. Let there be sadness instead of laugher, and gloom instead of joy. When you bow down before the Lord and admit your dependence on him, he will lift you up and give you honor.

When you ask God to help you grow and declare that you want him no matter the cost-he will answer that prayer, my question for you today, and it's a question that I had to review once more for myself is this, am I willing to receive the answer to my prayers? Will I draw close to a flame that will burn me, but also keep me soft clay to be molded at the hand of the Potter? Be willing to embrace the healing pain of letting you're selfishness be seared away from your spirit. This is more than lofty words and fancy talk. God can lead you day by day from the decisions you make to the thoughts you think. He wants to be so intimately involved in your life, he wants you to be able and sense his voice when he speaks to you. But he leaves the decision in your hands; will you pull away from the flame-afraid of the healing fire? Or will you walk into it, knowing that the ONE who had been there before will hold your hand as you are renewed. I pray that you embrace the devouring fire of our Holy God and carry it with you where ever you go.

What is a Zealot?

"Never be lacking in zeal, but have spiritual fervor serving the Lord" -Romans 12:11

A zealot, in this context, is one who lives thier life in order to personally KNOW the one known as Christ Jesus. He who lived, was crucified and rose again. He who all life is made to worhsip. This is a zealot.

Zeal is defined as a fervor for a person, place or cause. Enthusiastic, diligence or ardor.

Made In The Image of God

Made In The Image of God

Journal Entries..

Do you ever feel the wind on your face and just feel your breath catch as you realize in that wind is whisper of love from an eternal Creator? Do you ever read something in the WORD that makes your heart pound? Ever feel like you had tell someone the revelation God opened your eyes to?

I've felt that. And here is where I chose to share these things. Whatever you choose to call it, these truths, principles, revelations, whispers of love, or simply Words from God are things I felt I had to tell. Maybe they will impact you maybe not. All I know is that if one person hears God through this, that pounding slows, the weight on my chest lifts. All I know is if I hadn't placed these impressions in an accesible location for that one person to read and be impacted, then I would feel like I was doing an injustice to the truth God entrusted to my mind's understanding.