I've been reading through Job. Quite an interesting book that I could say a lot about, but I want to narrow my thoughts to one particular portion of this theologically challenging correspondence. I'm not here to debate whether God ever allows painful things into our lives or how Satan can enter God's presence like that, no; I'm just here to share with you something that God brought to light for me recently when I was reading Job. If you have ever skimmed over Job or heard a pastor preach on it somewhere, I'm sure you know the gist of the story. A wealthy, faithful follower of God all the sudden has tragedy strike and looses everything that ever meant something to him. All the while his friends, maybe well meaning, try to get him to admit some hidden sin that would explain what he was going through, and Job declares he is innocent. Many times we uphold the idea that Job was so righteous never getting upset with God through all this…and I have to ask you if that's how you view Job-have you ever read his letters? The Book of Job is full of Job's honest and heart-wrenching prayers asking God why this is happening. He seems to feel insignificant in God's sight, otherwise why would this be happening? It is as if he questions how God views him, but all the while Job understands the power of God, if you have the time; it's a complex book to read through-but it's amazing what you'd find. The portion that struck a chord with me was found in chapter nine, one of Job's responses to his friend… + Job 9:32-35 32 "God is not a mortal like me, so I cannot argue with him or take him to trial. 33 If only there were a mediator between us, someone who could bring us together. 34 The mediator could make God stop beating me, and I would no longer live in terror of his punishment. 35 Then I could speak to him without fear, but I cannot do that in my own strength. What a vivid picture of a man who is lost in his sorrows. All Job can see is how despised he is. The only thing he can comprehend is how god MUST be angry with him because of all the horrors he was going through. And then his line is nearly heart breaking. He details the need for a mediator. He just wants to feel heard by God, to understand why he is dealing with all the pain that has latched itself to his life. All he sees is his sinful state, he knows that he couldn't ever come to God in that way, but what he hasn't understood yet is how God wants Job to come even in this state. It's reminiscent of the cry of Isaiah when he realizes he is ruined for his sins are in the presence of the KING. (Isaiah 6) Have you ever felt the distance from God when you needed him the most? Ever felt that what you've done is so wrong that God couldn't want you to approach him in this muddied state. I know the feeling, praying the same thing over and over with seemingly no response-if only there was someone who was there…someone who could be in God's presence and state my case, intercede for me. But there is. That's just it, we DO have a mediator, and we can turn to Jesus. Job lived thousands of years before Jesus came in the flesh. In fact, many scholars believe that Job was the oldest book written; chronologically it would most likely be intermixed with the book of Genesis. If he only had the ability to see the sacrifices as an image of the coming Savior, but Job lived before Moses' time, this could be why we never see a reference to God's provision for the people of Israel that is looked back on by so many other Old Testament books. Just imagine it; Job's only context of god is however he had revealed himself to him in a clear and personal way. Job, even a in his distress while questioning God's love for him still understands pieces of his character. What would I have reacted life if I wasn't able to look back to the cross? The people of Israel could look forward knowing God was a deliverer. They had a picture of it, they had been promised a redeemer. They had the cloud and pillar of fire, for all we know about Job, he had no such physical manifestation of God. He was only able to respond to God through hi innate desire for purpose, love and connection. We don't know how he first came to know God-but I can't imagine how I would've been able to respond if I couldn't look back to the cross. Job saw his sinfulness, and he felt inadequate to state his case before a Holy God, and all he wanted was somehow to feel like someone was listening to his plea. As I read this, I was deeply convicted. All those times that my prayers seemed to hit the ceiling, as they mingled with my tears…I had the immeasurable blessing to be able and look back on the cross. My Mediator was listening; my mediator was lifting up his own prayers on my behalf. Job eventually came to the realization that God was there-but what would I have done in that situation? How grossly my trust in God would've been in comparison with Job's. We have it clear and laid out, that even in those hard moments-our sacrificial mediator is interceding on our behalf. + Hebrews 8:6 But our High Priest has been given a ministry that is far superior to the ministry of those who serve under the hold laws, for he is the one who guarantees for us a better covenant with God, based on better promises. I guess I want to encourage you, take a lesson from Job, his life crumbled and he still held to a God he had never seen. We have access to a text that tells us all we need to know in order to get close to a REAL and PERSONAL GOD. We can look back at the cross. We have the assurance that our God brought the mediator-what measure of trust it took for Job to trust God to come through centuries down he line. The Hebrew people looked forward with verbal promises spoken. Next time you feel your life is crumbling, maybe that's today, remember that you can turn to a God who has already come through for you. How can we not trust him when he has placed Jesus always in the throne room to intercede? I don't know if your heart was pricked by the example God brought to confront me. All I know, is that next time I'm feeling like my life has taken on a new pain, I have no excuse to not present it before God and KNOW he hears, just look back . See the cross. See your mediator always before the throne.