Summer air symphony outside my window,
Riding on the fresh after breath of the moon.
What if I could catch you in a jar and study your unique tune?
Who is it that directs with sounds so sweet?
Do the stars twinkle to keep the time?
I wonder whether the crickets know their strings were assembled by the Divine.
The breeze that builds the acoustics so resounding,
Helps to amplify the trees rustling percussion.
Me? I am just a passerby who paused as I sauntered past the amphitheater.
This one located at the somewhere along the intersection between dream and thought.
I marvel at the harmony so true-
A sound hardly touched by ivory and wood.
This summer's symphony will soon give way to autumns textures and colors,
A canvas composed of artistic picture rather than a midnight song.
No matter the lyric, artistry or allure-the author tis all the same.
He is the one who sings the melody, a thread woven through all our joy or pain.
Heavy notes of love and faithfulness-so soothing for one to hear.
So whether you sleep, wake or rise-
Remember who you are in this grand composer's eyes.
End the question of the summer air from somewhere-the source is deeply known.
When it next comes to mind-take the time,
To listen to that which is sung around the throne.
A summer air's song from somewhere.

You are a very talented writer. I look forward to reading more.
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