So first off we're all kicking into high gear with everything to do with the Dominican Republic this summer. Its busy but exciting! We started practicing dramas and are bringing in items for the auction, I sent out my its all in motion. If you guys could be praying for me and all the others going that would be greatly appreciated!
So secondly, I don't usually get the time...or make the time really.. to have that personal secret place with God every single day. I all to often let my busy scheduale get the best of me. But I MADE the time all but one day this week to spend about 45 mins or so alone with God. And its so crazy obvious how better my week goes. Its not like I go with out spending time in His Word I do that every day, but there is just that boost and encouragement and joy you get out of those alone times with Him. So that was great to have this past week. He actually at one point arranged it! I was at work and had covered another girl's shift earlier in the week so my boss came to be and said we needed to cut a few of my hour this week cause I can't work over I ended up going home early that day which gave me like an hour of extra time that I got to spend with God! Hes so funny! :)
So amidst my "Jesus Times" i've been meditating on Jeremiah 29:13 "If you look for me in earnest you will find me when you seek me. I will be found by you, says the Lord." that is a crazy picture of how intimate God is. He is such a BIG God but he loves intimacy with us. So dwelling on that scripture....I read Psalm 23:6 "Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life..." God's goodness PURSUES us. His unfailing love-which he IS love- pursues us. Not only does he want US to come after HIM with the promise of us FINDING him, but he pursues US! That is kinda hard to wrap your mind around...but what a precious thought it is!
So then came today, the church service was great. During worship Abbey Andrews (AMAZING GIRL AND SINGER- Go check her out on myspace) sang one of her songs. And as God would have it, as if it was tailored solely to me- the chorus breaks out into "You are not hiding, you show your face" and talked all about how he wants to tell us who he is himself and wants to unlock his riches to us and opens his heart to us and I just couldn't handle how personal it felt! It was like God was there confirming all the things my heart has been pondering this past week, it was just awesome. God is so amazing! He pursues us, as a girl that is always an amazing picture of God and a beautiful truth about his nature, he LOVES us so much! But he also likes it when we seek him, when we are abandoned to all other things and pursue him! A mutual enjoyment of being pursued.. :)
"My name is the Lord Almighty. And I have put my words in your mouth and hidden you safely within my hand, I set all the stars in space and established the earth. I am the one who says to, 'You are mine!'" -Isaiah 51:16 Di you see the picture He paints? He says establishes how majestic and creative he is by saying how he is the creator of the stars and then says that he is the SAME God who says I am HIS! :)
Mutual joy in being pursued..
Posted by
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Awesome thoughts and insight Cassie. I am so proud of you and the impact you are having for the kingdom.
Keep going after God and living Loud!
This really blessed me, Cassie. God truely is not hiding. He is right there with us and He loves us because we are His! WoW! And then... He sents Jesus to die for our sin, we are saved by His grace and then He leaves the Holy Spirit as our Comforter and Counselor! Wow, what a picture of LOVE!
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