Hey guys, I've been thinking, a whole lot, a phenomonon that happens more and more often now a days. Anyways, I want to clean out ANY trash in my life, even the ones that I am hiding in the corner...hoping no ones sees or that I forgot. So, friends, any of you that may read this, please help me.
I don't want pride, I dont want selfishness, or self-righteoussness to be anywhere in my life. I know that I have to choose everyday to not give into these desires of my flesh, I have to chose to think, smell and look like Jesus.
So i'm simply blogging to say that I want more than anything else to genuinely represent Christ and His love to everyone around me. As christians, we need to raise the standard for the church, be real and not put on a mask. So I'm asking you all to be my wounding friends. So please if you see anything in me tell me, I may not react in a receptive way, but I'll try. I want anything in me that grieves the heart of God, ANY OF THE THINGS I DONT REALIZE are there to go. So tell me, help keep me accountable. Call me out if you see me judging, or being self righteouss. Please! I know sometimes its easier for people out of the box to see things that I dont inside me or the way I act..
So thats it, thats all, I just am asking you to help me along, sharpon me, wound me.
Wound me friends..
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Sunday, March 2, 2008
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