"During that time, all Israel mourned because it seemed that the Lord had abandoned them." – 1 Samuel 7:2 In the Word we see time and time again a person, or groups of people in who find themselves in a dry place, or a wilderness. Yet, alongside these wilderness times, we very frequently see the persons having a life changing encounter with God Almighty. We see this with the Hebrew nation of Israel, it was in the wilderness at the mountain that they had an encounter with the I AM, even though they chose to draw away rather than drawing into the mysteries of this GOD-He still met with them there. (This subject along merits its own blog…article...more like book! =D ) We also see the abused and mistreated Hagar in the wilderness as she receives a promise from JEHOVAH. "The angel of the Lord found Hagar beside a desert spring..." –Genesis 16:7 .Another example is Jacob at Bethel, he was struggling with running from what God had for him when GOD appeared to him and gave him revelation. So without further explanation, its easy to see how our God is one who can break through our dry times, the quiet times when we can't feel him near and when we don't see him moving. As we I continued my reading through 1 Samuel, this is where I found the Israelite people after Eli had died and the Ark was captured. How often can we identify with that feeling of being in the wilderness? It says the people mourned because they thought the Lord had abandoned them. Perhaps they had realized that they didn't guard the presence as vigilantly as they could have. And now, with this realization, it seemed as though they couldn't return to a place of intimacy with their God. This is the state where we find the people as Samuel approaches them with a word of conviction and encouragement. "Then Samuel said to all the people of Israel, 'If you are really serious about wanting to return to the Lord, get rid of your foreign gods and your images of Ashtoreth. Determine to obey only the Lord: then he will rescue you from the Philistines. So the Israelites destroyed their images of Baal and Ashtoreth and worshiped only the Lord…They also went without food all day and confessed that they had sinned against the Lord" – 1 Samuel 7:3-4 So we see, through Samuel's guidance, the people in the midst of their wilderness season enter into a time of repentance (destroying idols and worshipping only the Lord) and fasting (they went without food all day). This pattern is also seen time and time again in the WORD. These people understood their need for a breakthrough. They were desperate for the Lords presence to return and they took the steps necessary to cleanse their hearts and lives. We have to be rid of all things that we let take the place of our God. Any idols that are getting in the way of worshiping the one we were created for. When you wake up in the morning what do you think of? What is it that occupies your mind as it rambles through the bunny trails in your mind? Where does it settle and dwell? Is that place God? Is it a place filled with love and mercy and grace and goodness? If it isn't, you are linked arm and arm with the people of Israel who had allowed idols to replace JEHOVAH. Sometimes in these situations we can't just pray a simple prayer and our minds and hearts are renewed automatically. No, sometimes we have to take drastic measures and starve the ugly flesh that clings to our spirit. Sometimes we have to sacrifice our earthly pleasures in order to refocus on the one whose presence we can't live without. We have to recognize that our hearts are far from the path of righteousness and deprive the flesh of any nourishment as we destroy the idols that we built up with our own hands. A sacrifice is always required of us, a sacrifice must be done in order to atone for the sin of the people. "So Samuel took a young lamb and offered (sacrificed) it to the Lord as a whole burnt offering. He pleaded (interceded on behalf of the people) with the Lord to help Israel, and the Lord answered." -1 Samuel 7:9 AND THE LORD ANSWERED. The people of Israel were in the wilderness. They had lost the Ark, it hadn't departed, they had misused it-not treasured it- and allowed it to be taken from them. They let something come in-between them and the most precious treasure a human can know. They allowed the PRESENCE to be taken and found themselves desperately mourning its absence. So here we see the steps of moving out of a place of wilderness. Do you see!? Do you hear the beloved father calling you to a place just beyond the wilderness?! The people of Israel are the ones who allowed the presence of the Lord to depart. Even at our own hands, when we stray from the Lord, we can still find a place back in his arms. But it is not without sacrifice! Even when we have willingly and knowingly let the enemy take the place of GOD in our lives, there is mercy, but not with out sacrifice. So I ask you beloved, will you heed the heart of the FATHER? Will you take the steps needed to obtain a break through in this wilderness? The Father is calling you, come out of the wilderness. Hear my promises in this place he whispers. See my love, see my plan taking form before you as Jacob at Bethel. Listen to the identity I have for you as Hagar in the desert! Meet me in a new way as the people of Israel at the Mount. Come, dear ones, come daughter into my love, come son into my family once more. This wilderness season comes to a close, but you must step out of it. Do you see that just around that bend lies a river of overflowing water and promise? Come, I have called you mine, and I now call you to come. Draw near to me. "...AND THE LORD ANSWERED" -1 Samuel 7:9
Break Through in a Dry Place
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Friday, May 15, 2009
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