to his future.
I In 1 Samuel we see the progression of Saul's rise to kingship. We see how once he was anointed with oil, which seems to often signify the beginning of a waiting period. He then began to walk in this anointing and allowed the Holy Spirit to work in and through him (1 Sam 10:9, 11:6) as his calling began to come to fruition. Where we once saw him hiding in the baggage unwilling and afraid to step up to the call placed on his life, he now was flowing in the Spirit and appeared to thrive in this calling. As the Spirit worked in him, God was able to shine through some of his attributes in order to show the people of Israel his mercy.
After a dispute arose from a group of men in the new Kings army, the rest of the Israelites were calling for the 70 unruly rebels to be murdered. But with the Spirit at work within Saul we see merciful acts coming through, he declares no one will be killed that day because the Lord won a great victory (1 Sam 11:13). This show of mercy is confirmed as the Lord speaks through Samuel to the people a warning and encouragement.
"Now if you will fear and worship the Lord and listen to his voice, and if you do not rebel against the Lord's commands, and if you and your king follow the Lord your god then all will be well…Don't be afraid, Samuel reassured them. You have certainly done wrong but make sure now that you worship the Lord with all your heart and that you don't turn your back on him in any way. Don't go back to worshipping worthless idols…The Lord will not abandon his chosen people, for that would dishonor his name. He made you a special nation for himself." -1 Samuel 12:14,16,20-22
The contrast seen between God's mercy shining through Saul to the point of his fatal strike is painfully familiar to all who have followed in his footsteps to take things into their own hands. After this foreboding chastisement by Samuel, we find Saul waiting for Samuel to make a sacrifice in chapter 13. Oh how often have we let impatience steal our blessing? When will we learn to lean on the arm of delayed gratification? As Saul waited for Samuel to come to make this sacrifice we can only imagine the thoughts swirling in his mind, they are ones we hear all to often. Why isn't God moving yet? Why hasn't he provided this need yet? When will he reveal this aspect of his plan!? Oh if I was in charge of this situation, I would have it under control by now! Here is where we reach the breaking point, here we
see Saul throwing away the blessings found in living under the calling of God in our lives. Much to impatient for Samuel Saul makes the sacrifice to pacify the people and to pacify his own impatience.
In an act of indulging the flesh Saul in one foul swoop stepped outside of God's timing and outside God's calling for his life.
Saul was supposed to wait for Samuel's timing-how often we get to impatient; we take matters into our own hands.
Saul was called to be a king, not a priest, not make the sacred sacrifices. If you are called to serve as a bathroom cleaner-do not be jealous of the preacher. Do not live your life on a whim; God has so much more for you then a mundane, apathetic life!
Oh the sorrowful familiarity we should feel seeping from every breath of Saul's excuse! He claims that he felt obligated to do this, it was the right thing. Sure, the actions looked right, they looked like something a God fearing person would do, but OH the danger of willingly and knowingly stepping beyond the borders of the path God has set before you. Be wary of the proceedings that pacify the religious quota of actions but cost you your heart. Samuel gives a terse chastisement to Saul before all the people that have simple warning that we should heed even today.
"How foolish! Samuel exclaimed. You have disobeyed the command of the Lord your God. Had you obeyed the Lord would have established your kingdom over Israel forever…for the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart. The Lord has already chosen him to be kind over his people, for you have not obeyed the Lords command." – 1 Samuel 13:13-14
Will you heed the prophets warning? Won't you keep a strict watch over your heart's motives? Will you open your heart to hear and wait upon the Lord and his direction? We must stop taking things into our own hands and forfeiting our calling? Saul's two wrong actions did not amount to the blessing and peace he had hoped would come. It lead to a restless, frustrated and painful rest of his life where he watched his throne be taken from him as the Lord's anointed rose to power. While God's mercy was there, and I believe that a calling can't ever be revoked, but when our hearts aren't right or willing, God will find a willing vessel to carry out his plans.

Father God, open our eye and minds to see and understand all that you have to tell us in this moment. God help us to be content in waiting for you. Help us to be content as we lean on the truth that you are working all things to our good and have perfect timing for all that you have planned. God may we put to death the flesh as it stirs up jealousy in us. May we see that the place you have positioned us is the place we are supposed to be and serve. God open our eyes to the truths found in your word and may we LIVE it and not just LEARN it Lord! May we choose to follow your path and not the one of our own making!
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