We are on the verge of a season of forthcoming flood waters; uncomfortable change; a time where flood waters will be released from Heaven. The prayers of God's people have been lifted up to Heaven and the clouds are heavy with the weight of their plea. God is about to open up the flood gates, with this release comes growth. Change. A turning point. A new start. New patterns. A time where our past bondages will be broken and God will preserve us through this time of trial and uncomfortable change. But what are we to do in this season? We have learned we must prepare, be obedient to the Spirit's leading-here let me show you what I have learned will be some of the events could be in the midst of this flood. I also feel God spoke a word, but that I will place in another blog..
I was praying over these little promptings the Spirit was depositing in me and asking him what it meant for me personally. As I was studying Genesis 6 and 7 some points jumped out, a outline, a glimpse of what the coming season means. I don't know where you are in all this. Maybe you are in the prep for the season of rain. Maybe you are in the desert just crying out for anything from God-even if it means a time of uncomfortable change, or maybe you are in the flood, and you don't see an end. Either way-this is what the Spirit spoke to me as I read.
Are you at a place where you just need a change, no matter what that means? I can feel the thickness of the air in the Spiritual realm God is moving, and I want to be around to see what he is doing. But as I've said, I feel like what is coming will call for endurance and ultimately sincere faith
in a Creator who is working all things together for your good. We read in Genesis of the 7 days until the rain. Then once this rain comes, it comes hard. It's a crushing feeling that washes away all we once knew. But our Protector doesn't leave us by ourselves. Oh the jewels he reveals in his inspired Word!

+ Genesis 6:18 But I solemnly sweat to keep you safe in the boat…
Amidst our obedience to God he will guide us through the flood waters…
+ Gen 7:11b-12 …the underground waters burst forth on the earth, and the rain fell I mighty torrents from the sky. The rain continued to fall for 40 nights.
This is a violent picture of the confusion and overwhelming sensations that can reign in your time of flood, these times are an outpouring of God's answered prayers, but he is always giving us the opportunity to grow and to learn and to change. The underground waters burst onto the earth-the foundation you think you have laid, will be tested. Can you confidently stand and say that you won't be shaken, you wont be swept away in the middle of a catastrophic flood?
+ Gen 7:18 As the waters rose higher and higher above the ground, the boat floated safely on the surface. Finally, the water covered even the highest mountains on the earth.
Please know, this season that some of us feel like we are entering is not a thing to be afraid of, we just know that as we go into it that you need to trust God to help you through any trial that may present itself. But note, in the above scripture-one, the boat floated safely above the waters. Second, the flood waters covered the mountains. As I prayed over this I thought of the mountains in my life as two things. It could be the mountains-obstacles-I can't seem to get over. Or are these mountains that are covered, in the midst of this overwhelming uncomfortable change, are they our past victories? The change that is coming-we will be safely delivered through it. But in the middle of it, if we aren't careful we can lose sight
+ Gen 7:22 Everything died that breathed and lived on dry land.
Do you see how God is still in control even when we can't see the victories? Do you see that he is working all things to our good as he makes all things new? A month or so back I was at this amazing event called "Jesus Now" where area youth groups and young adults from all sorts of denominations come together for one purpose-to praise and worship God. At the end we were all just listening to God and what he had to say to us in that time. I kept hearing him say the wilderness is over. The wilderness is over. Do you see that in this flood that he is allowing to rush into our lives and make us uncomfortable- it is REMOVING ALL THAT THE ENEMY HAS CREATED THAT IS THRIVING IN THE DRY PLACES. The dry areas of our lives have become breading places for apathy, discontentment and our complacent spirit. This flood that is painful, frightening and seemingly unending-it is striping the dry places in order to bring NEW LIFE! Yes, in the middle of this flood that covers all our victories we may not see the end. Yes, it will be painful, yes it can be intimidating-YES your God will carry you through!
+ Gen 8:1 But God remembered Noah…
Oh God. OH Father, you do not forget us in the midst of our trials. When we can no longer see the places you have brought us through- you are still ever so close. You are allowing us to grow, you are calling us to change, you are calling us deeper. We have cried out for an increase of your presence-may we see your hand in every drop of rain. Every answered prayer, God may we understand you have greater things for us and Lord, may we trust that you REMEMBER your children. God in the middle of the unknown, unmatched, unveiled flood, we cling to the one who has called us righteous! Lord Jesus, hold us and teach us in this flood, you are not a man that you would lie Oh god. Oh God , Oh Jesus, open the flood gates..
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