But God

A poem for the times when you feel you've lost your grasp on everything. A song for the heart that feels it has lost hope in all else but God. A psalm for all who have realized their foundation must be on God and god alone, or else they will be shaken beyond recognition. A word of encouragement for the person who has realized that those two words, change the course of history.

4But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, 5even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ.. –Ephesians 2:4-5

Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth. – Psalm 73:25

Things in life fall from my plan,

I thought I had a hold.

Maybe my hold broke it.

I'm learning what I am to do.

I know even still, God there is always you.

But God
has the knowledge

That I won't ever know.

The pain of hopes lost can hurt more than a bullet.

The shot of ache in my stomach reveals

How far I went.

I'm sorry I did not keep the door


I'm regretting the first stage

Of hope.

But God
you make all things work together for my good.

I dive

In quickly

Only to find you on the shore.

I hesitate

On the edge just to hear you

Call me in.

But God your thoughts are higher than mine.

I hold to deferred hope.

But God
has desire for me

I grasp at strings of a gone season

But God
is making all things new.

I anchor to the dull ache

But God
wants me to live in the miracle of the moment

I feel lost in routine

But God
shows miracles in the mundane.

I wonder at words of past

But God
is speaking to me rhema, right now

But God
has victory

But God
knows my name

But God
sees my tears

"But God
remembered Noah"

But God remembered Noah…and the floods began to disappear –Genesis 8:1


What is a Zealot?

"Never be lacking in zeal, but have spiritual fervor serving the Lord" -Romans 12:11

A zealot, in this context, is one who lives thier life in order to personally KNOW the one known as Christ Jesus. He who lived, was crucified and rose again. He who all life is made to worhsip. This is a zealot.

Zeal is defined as a fervor for a person, place or cause. Enthusiastic, diligence or ardor.

Made In The Image of God

Made In The Image of God

Journal Entries..

Do you ever feel the wind on your face and just feel your breath catch as you realize in that wind is whisper of love from an eternal Creator? Do you ever read something in the WORD that makes your heart pound? Ever feel like you had tell someone the revelation God opened your eyes to?

I've felt that. And here is where I chose to share these things. Whatever you choose to call it, these truths, principles, revelations, whispers of love, or simply Words from God are things I felt I had to tell. Maybe they will impact you maybe not. All I know is that if one person hears God through this, that pounding slows, the weight on my chest lifts. All I know is if I hadn't placed these impressions in an accesible location for that one person to read and be impacted, then I would feel like I was doing an injustice to the truth God entrusted to my mind's understanding.