<3 The Key to Guarding Your Heart <3

-if this seems long and to much to read..go toward the end-have nutshellled version ;) -

"Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do." –Proverbs 4:23

God knows that I have tried so hard to grasp this verse. I am careful to not put my hope in the things of this world that are unstable. I have tried to not get close to certain friends in efforts to not let my heart lose some of its pieces, all in efforts to figure out how to follow the instructions set forth in this verse. I at one point realized I was going about it all wrong just in the way that I was trying to do it myself. We're not even the ones who are supposed to place walls up to 'guard' our hearts-that's our King's job (but his is for another blog). Here I want to let you in on a light bulb moment where God point blank pointed out how I am to guard my heart as the wisest human who ever lived told us to do. Now, I don't want to say this is the only thing that Prov. 4:23 could be talking about, but this is what God showed in reference to my meditating on the above scripture.

I was reading in Philippians one morning last week and came across the already underlined and well known verse found in chapter 4. Now, maybe I'm just slow in coming around to this realization, maybe you're going to give me one of those sideways glances and say, Uh Cass, sorry to break it to yeah, I learned THAT ONE in Sunday School. Whatever the case, I never saw it in this light. Perhaps it's due to the wording used in the NLT version that caught my eye. In Philippians 4:6-9 I read,

"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus…Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned from me and heard from me and saw me doing, and the god of peace will be with you."

Did you see it? Yep re-read that, take a second and see what pops out. There it is right in the middle… "HIS PEACE WILL GUARD YOUR HEARTS…" In this context, the Greek meaning for 'guard' is as a sentinel, 'by Christ's intervention, guards and patrols the heart's door, preserving it from intrusions of anxious fears and alarms.' Are those wheels in that mind of yours turning? The tangible way to guard your heart as Solomon advises us is found by

-Don't worry about anything; how?

How SHORT I fall in this area! It's a holy conviction really that hit me. I fret so much, and when others see us so stressed all the time and worries about everything, what kind of a testimony to the provision and faithfulness of our Father God is that? We have to realize how trustworthy he is and start worrying less!!!!!

-Praying about EVERYTHING

Notice it doesn't say pray about your problems. Or, pray about the things you aren't happy about, or pray about the people you think are dying…no it says EVERYTHING. Think its just the NLT version, nope. ESV-EVERYTHING. NKJ- EVERYTHING. Its not like the interpretation went from most things, worrisome things to everything. God wants us to pray about EVERYTHING. One might ask well then how do I pray about the everything..how do I pray about…the….er..ah rain? You don't pray for it, you don't have to pray against it, you say God..i love rain. Thank you for this rainy day, even though they are generally dreary-God every rain drop on my face feels like a kiss from you reminding me of how much you and work in and care about the little things. Do what the verse says-pray about everything, God wants to be THAT involved with YOU!

-tell God what you need and thank him for what he has done

You see how there is some sort of distinction between asking God, as your provider, to act on your behalf and 'praying about everything.' Nevertheless, he wants us to ask him to help, he wants to be your dad and provide for you. Let him in on the deal by inviting him into it!

When we do this, God's peace, the peace we see as Jesus stood ridiculed, in pain yet silent before his accusers. The peace that calmed the raging seas, this peace can be ours. This peace will chase away our worries and this peace will wrap its protective sentinels around your heart that can monitor what is allowed in and out. Yet another prerequisite seems to be that we live in Christ Jesus. Wow. A lot to chew I know. But all these thoughts started to take root in my mind as I asked God to solidify it all. In a nut shell let me tell you this light bulb experience for you to walk away with if nothing else.

NUTSHELL--- The command is found in Phil 4:6 to virtually stop worrying by inviting God into your EVERY situation.

IF you do this THEN the promise is found in verse 7 that God's overwhelming peace will GUARD YOUR HEART and minds (which is seen in verse 8; you see the connection between heart and though life here)

Ultimately, to follow the instructions of Solomon to guard your heart above all else means to let God say what goes In and out. No longer are we to strive to put up protective walls, life is here to be lived, worries strip us of that enjoyment we could have. We much to often forfeit this right to a set apart life that is lived with ZEAL (Rom. 12:11) So how about it, are you going to let GOD guard your heart? Are you going to take the steps necessary to invite God into your every circumstance in order to live with the reality of HIS PEACE surrounding your life? This God is with you right here right now, even now you can hear his whisper and beconing call to enter this life of peace, to guard your heart against the enemies devices that would strip you of the life well lived. Friends, listen to your God who sees the desires of your heart- Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything..above all else guard your heart. This beloved, is the KEY to guarding your heart.

The Legally Binding and Undeserved Deed

In my RSM classes one of the students asked a question about how she didn't udnerstand why she didnt have more victory in her life, didn't know how we can obtain more victory than we expirience. She udnerstood it was in God's hand but didnt know if it was unbelif in her own life or what. And Pastor John Prominski, a pastor from Ionia Resurrection Life, used this analogy that kinda left me speechless. Its one of those thing I knew..but it just was in a new light now... dont know if I'll get it right but I'll try, its all scrambled in my head because I was feeling convicted to say the least...
So he said...

Say I have this close friend who is very wealthy. And he had no family to speak of and he knew he was goign to die soon. So he comes to you and says- "Dear friend, I know my time left here isn't long, so I'm going to will you ALL that I have." You stand there speechless and stumble over your words as you say no no no, I dont need that..I wouldn't need somthing that extravagant. I'm okay with what I have. With a little bit more firm voice your friend reiterates-"No, I'm giving this to you cause I want to. Its goint to be rightfully yours, legally the deed to all i ever had is in your name, my fortune my mansion all of it. I want you to have it." You continue to protest saying you wouldnt even know how to manage it or where to start and that you dont deserve it. He rebuts by saying that "of course you don't deserve it, I worked for all this, but I'm leaving it to you." With that he doesn't listen to any other arguments you have. He soon passes away and sure enough legally ALL he owned was willed to you. But you choose not to go to the mansion, not to use the money, even though his wish was for you to use it to its fullest.

In like manner, God has given us ALL authority, ALL grace to abound in every good deed. He left this earth saying we have all the same faith that he does. Yes, to each of us is measured a degree of faith, but that doesn't mean that the level we are believing at now is all there is to believe in. We are choosing NOT to access the deeper levels of what God has for us. We've moved into the guest room of what God wants us to walk in when he is saying, "come look at the library! Look at this gardens, ALL OF THIS IS YOURS." But we just stand back and say we dont deserve it and can't handle it. God has left us with all we need to manage the household, and he wants to see us walking in victory. We aren't walking in greater victory because we dont see that we own that victory. We arent looking at the rest of house cause we arent choosing to accept that its in our name. The blood of christ is written over the deed of vicotry and faith in our lives but we are to comfortable to walk out of our guest room and grasp it.

We need to realize that its ours and start acting like its ours. When we sit back and wonder if we will ever get victory, its not going to come to us, we have to go and take hold of it. Whether we like it or not, that deeper level of faith and the greater measure of victory is ours, we have to believe it and not doubt that God has it waiting for us. Its up to us to choose to believe that its ours or not. IT IS OURS-but are we going to live like it is?

This hit my in the face cause I'm doing that. I'm chillin in my guest room saying , nah God I dont need all that, its cozy in here, when he has SO MUCH MORE FOR ME. We need to take hold of the deed and shove it in the devils face, paste in on the mirror and in our hearst cause thats who we are- we have the deed to victory and we need to walk int it..

The deed to the entire house is in your name, whether you want to act like it is or not. Its up to you to walk in that level of faith and victory, so how about it-want to take a look at the living room?

"Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." 1 Corinthians 15:56

The Genuine Heart of a Zealot

In this, my second installment of the characteristics of a zealot-a sold out, passionate, disciple of Jesus Christ- I want to explore the call for a zealot to have a genuine heart in all they do. In Romans 12:9-10 the NLT says,

"Don't just pretend that you love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Stand on the side of the good. Love each other with GENUINE affection, and take delight in honoring each other."

We know already that to be a zealot you must be both willing to sacrifice and willing to strive for unity. But as the scripture above plainly points out, we must be driven by love. I felt that these two scriptures center around the motives, the means behind the actions.

(3) Be Compelled by Love
Now this may seem like it can go without saying. But all you have to do is take a look around at the people around you, maybe just a look in the mirror to see, that those who call themselves christians are not often driven by an attitude of love. But if we have a desire to be sold out passionate pursuers of Christ than we need to let our every single action be driven by the love that we have first and foremost for GOD and secondly for others. When we are enraptured in our love for Christ and who he is, a natural overflow is a compassion for those around us. This isnt a love that has you patting yourself on the back for a job well done. This is the love that has you on your hands and knees cleaning feet. The love that gives everything away without any thought of what those around you are thinking. Tell me, do you love like that? Do you love enough to make a fool of yourself to tell the person next to you on the bus that you have the answer they've been looking for? REALLY LOVE THEM. It says. We have to really love them. Really has a simple definition, it means to truly, genuinely and exactly. We must truly and exactly love people. Exactly gives this feeling of doing it on purpose.
When you give something to someone are you hoping a lot of people see it? To test your own motives, try every so often giving a note of appreciation, or a thank you to someone God lays on your heart-and maybe do it anonymously. Cause it doesnt really matter if they know WHO gave it as long as their blessed right? Its all about overflowing God's Love for you to those around you. Please don't think I'm there. I'm still working on it, this is an area I am CONSTANTLY working on-God is calling us to rise up and love with an exact, true and genuine love, one that directs our every action.

(4) Stand on the Side of Good
Sandwiched between two statements about being driven by love we read the statement "Hate what is wrong. Stand on the side of good." Being a zealot is a thing made up of the same principles found in an adventure or fairy tales. Valor, integrity, and fighting the good fight, fight for good. A ZEALOT needs to do all they can do to assure that what is good wins out. We can't have any allowances for what is wrong. We need to actively stand up for the good that exists in this fallen world and continue to pray into existence the goodness of God. We are image bearers of God, and have pieces of his goodness deposited within us-live to draw that out in others. This needs to translate down to the little things. Integrity means doing everything to the best of your ability. Work, School, dont laugh at dirty jokes. Sound extreme? Sound borderline ridiculous-a zealot is a extreme life. You are not being moderate in how you deal with whats wrong and whats good. You need to take the stand, defend you stance and advance the borders of what is good. You cant ride the fence, realize what is good and do all you can to do you part. Start small and go big. Have heavy heart for justice and goodness in all you do.

A ZEALOT is a life of the extremist, sacrifice, stand side by side with other believers-striving for unity, genuinely love others and fight aggressively for goodness. These traits are daily things we encounter. We have to dive into the day ahead of us trying to live as the ZEALOT God is raising up in his Bride. Let this life bubble out of you and overflow..
May God give you the passion that burns in your heart that drives you to live an undignified life for the one GOD. Teach us what it means to live a life sold out to you!

Sacrificial Life of a Zealot

Last summer after the Desperation Conference held at my church, I have been drawn to the word ZEAL. God stirred up an understanding of the concept of having a zeal for HIM and my ears strain to hear a conversation that might mention this said ZEAL (read my blog "Diving Into Glorious Misery of Self dissatisfaction" on July 3, '08 to read more about that initial revelation...). As I decided to live this all out-no reservations-fully abandoned life for God I have begun to wonder what the life of a ZEALOT actually looks like. I found the answer in Romans 12. Over the next couple of my blogs I want to break down what I see as some of the characteristics of a zealot might be.

"Never be lacking in ZEAL, but have spiritual fervor serving the Lord." -Rom. 12:11
This is the central verse that I keep coming back to-to never lack in ZEAL. Its in the surrounding scriptures that we find the answer to what a life lived as a ZEALOT looks like, what characters do we see in the life of a zealot?

(1) Be Willing To Sacrifice
The first portion of Romans 12, i mentioned in my most recent blog, seems to center around living sacrificially. To offer our bodies as 'living sacrifices.' There are many things we have to sacrifice in the midst of our passionate pursuit of God, but they are truly minuscule in comparison to the reward you receive. Some of the things we read in Romans that must be sacrificed is our way of thought. "Do not be conformed to this world but be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind." We must make the conscious effort to think differently. We must be willing to give up the thoughts of a broken, defeated sinner who is struggling to love God with passion and realize our identity lies in the fact that we are crazy-in-love saints who get tripped up with sin. Our thoughts need to be as a lover of God and not a loser who is under the enemies feet.
Another thing that a zealot must be willing to sacrifice as they run the race is found in verse 3, "...Be honest in your estimate of yourselves, measuring your value by how much faith God has given you." In my own paraphrasing- we need to let go of this idea that we have it all together and have got everything going the way we want it to. If we tell ourselves that we are the creme of the crop-we are fooling ourselves. A 'zealot' who is always talking themselves up to those around them will loose their effectiveness in witnesses for Christ. Their self pride will be seen as cheap, and show they have little confidence in who they are. BUT WAIT, you may think, "didnt you just say how we need to think as these people who are loved by God and all this fluffiness? Isnt looking all humble a contradiction of that?" We must change the way we think to be confidently humble. We don't need to talk ourselves up-because there is no need to prove ourselves by our own merit. We've got that covered if we just focus on getting closer to God-that's all a zealot is worried about. We cant be consumed with our short comings OR our accomplishments.

(2) Strive for Unity and Do Your Part
Being a ZEALOT may feel lonely at times. You may be the only one in your group of friends willing to sound "upity" as you decided to not see that movie or not talk about that thing. It can seem to set you apart because you are trying to live to a higher standard that you know to be a worthy cause-but ZEALOTS as a rule can't live life Rambo style. You have to lean on others and work off of their strengths. In verse 5 we read, "We are all parts of his one body, and each of us has different work to do. And since we are all one body in Christ, we belong to each other, and each of us needs all the others." We need each other to build up the body, this thing known as the church. God has strategically placed you in the local body for a specific reason with a specific purpose and you need to seek to fulfill that purpose in its season.
We have to stop kicking each other while we're down-its time for the church to be who CHRIST created it to be, the church that Christ saw in his minds eye as he hung on that cross. The Spotless Bride that Jesus the Son is prepareing a home for in Heaven, its time to start living that way. That bride is full of zealots, passionate people sold out for Christ. The only way we can be that bride is if we begin to work together in unity and honor each other's roles in this epic romance. While we need to not get envious of each others role we must also work to the best of our ability to fill the position God has for us. The Body needs its hand, feet, mouth and everything else.

So how about it? Are you willing to sacrifice whats necessary to live out that faith dance with Christ? Are you willing to make the exceptional choice of faith and do anything and everything for the cause of Christ? Are you ready to lend yourself-your body as a living sacrifice to those around you, and to lean on them in your need?

Live the sacrificial life as a zealot and you'll live a life that can be experienced to the fullest.

What is a Zealot?

"Never be lacking in zeal, but have spiritual fervor serving the Lord" -Romans 12:11

A zealot, in this context, is one who lives thier life in order to personally KNOW the one known as Christ Jesus. He who lived, was crucified and rose again. He who all life is made to worhsip. This is a zealot.

Zeal is defined as a fervor for a person, place or cause. Enthusiastic, diligence or ardor.

Made In The Image of God

Made In The Image of God

Journal Entries..

Do you ever feel the wind on your face and just feel your breath catch as you realize in that wind is whisper of love from an eternal Creator? Do you ever read something in the WORD that makes your heart pound? Ever feel like you had tell someone the revelation God opened your eyes to?

I've felt that. And here is where I chose to share these things. Whatever you choose to call it, these truths, principles, revelations, whispers of love, or simply Words from God are things I felt I had to tell. Maybe they will impact you maybe not. All I know is that if one person hears God through this, that pounding slows, the weight on my chest lifts. All I know is if I hadn't placed these impressions in an accesible location for that one person to read and be impacted, then I would feel like I was doing an injustice to the truth God entrusted to my mind's understanding.