Ruth’s Word of Abundance in HIS Absence

I recently shared with you the things God revealed to me through the beautiful story of Ruth. On the day that he was speaking to me on that subject and pointing out the little treasures amidst the sand, he also spoke a rhema word, a Word for right now, a sort of word of wisdom. This little whispered word to my heart I believe was also meant as a shout to your soul!

Allow me to remind you of the points that I discussed in "The Ruth In The Rest Of Us" and you can see how God just nailed these nuggets of truth home as he spoke a personal word to my heart.

  1. Ruth was lead back home by the voice of one who has been there.

    1. Follow the leading of those who have been there.

  2. Ruth chose the set-apart life.

    1. Our life's destiny could be changed by a small hinge in the door of destiny. Look for your peripety-live a different life then that of the word

  3. Ruth moved forward.
    1. Take the initiative to keep moving forward, then allow God to direct you.

  4. Boaz offers refreshment and Ruth recognizes her insufficiency

    1. When you feel insufficient-God offers refreshment and rest as we worship him.

  5. Boaz provided an abundance.

    1. Jesus came to give life and life more abundantly!

  6. Ruth took hold of what was legally hers.

    1. Take what is legally ours-Jesus paid the price, don't waste the inheritance!

  7. Boaz fights for Ruth

    1. Jesus our Redeemer has fought and still battles on our behalf today!

With these points on my mind I listened to the Spirit whisper the following words to my heart-let them sink in. Let him speak to you in the way only he knows how to.

"Dear one, do you see my hand moving and working? In the little things child-Oh Beloved do you see the provision I left behind? As you slowly opened your eyes to see how I was drawing you to myself. Do you see my child- I have moved in the circumstances to bring you back to me and to my home land. Oh beautiful child-listen to the instruction and allow me to fight for you. I will not force your hand. But Oh the joyous tears that overspill as I see you prostrate at my feet. Oh! The surge of my heart as I see your willing heart ready to come to my household. But dear one, please, please listen to what you have to do. I must go and fight. I will rightfully and legally take my rights to you back. Will you wait? Oh child do not grow weary in your waiting. Oh beloved- if you only allow me to provide for you whilst I am not present. Before all the witnesses of Heaven I took your name, took your heart as my own. But will you be waiting for me? Have you done as I asked? Did you walk away from your surrender empty handed? Oh dear child-dear bride of mine- see your cup overflows in my absence how much more as my beloved wife whilst you be provided for! Now come to this new life. Come to this new family and see how I have reversed your end-From widow to wife, bereaved to a blushing bride, from famine to feast. Yes, from seemingly insignificant to the bloodline of the King and his inheritance. Come lay at my feet. Beloved-my Beloved and Bride I say Come."

+ Psalm 19:5 It bursts forth like a radiant bridegroom after his wedding. It rejoices like a great athlete eager to run the race.

God wants to move in your life, all you must do is listen to his voice as he calls you even now to wait for him in his seeming absence, because dear child-dearly beloved of the MOST HIGH REDEEMER-your God is giving you the abundant life in his apparent absence. Hear his plea-feel his heart beat and respond. Enter into this life that is meant for more than to just survive. Your Prince has legally taken your name-now set him as a seal upon your heart-take his name. Walk in his ways-live always out of his inheritance and his home. And trust-you must trust him, he knows your needs. He is attentive to your hearts innermost desires-he is taking you to a new level of fellowship-spend your every moment with him on your mind. He is working a miracle in the mundane circumstances of your life. Embrace the abundance in his apparent absence!

The Ruth in the Rest of Us

I have just recently finished up Beth Moore's study on Esther and one point that she stressed was how God sometimes chooses to conceal his majesty so we can find miracles in the mundane. Well as this thought had been in my mind I found myself reading the book of Ruth. As I read through it I started to see God's majesty working in the mundane things of Ruth's life. I then began to see a parallel between us and Ruth. Many a person has drawn the conclusion of Christ as our "kinsmen redeemer." In other words-as Boaz was Ruth's redeemer- so is Christ to us. But God began to speak to me about a few other similarities that we can draw and I wanted to share. These are just little things that brought a smile to my face and a warm rush to my heart as I saw God yet again speaking to us through his amazing Word. Whether your familiar with the story of Ruth or not, I pray that these little illuminations speak to you as they did me.

You can almost see a parallel of a person's walk to salvation as you watch Ruth's journey to becoming part of Boaz's household. In Ruth 1:7 it talks of when Naomi sets out from her home land and " took the road that would lead them back to Judah."

  1. Ruth was lead back home by the voice of one who has been there.

Naomi had been there. She knew the direction of home, and Ruth set out with her in the direction of home. Who is it in your life that helped guide you home? Whether you were once a wandering prodigal who left home for the world and returned through the love and concern of a friend, or if you were lead home-to saving knowledge of Christ by a respected leader-someone has taken the time to sow into your life and help you take the road that leads you home. Take the time to thank God for how he brought these people into your life through his divine providence.

Then in Ruth 1:15-17 we see how Ruth passionately declares her faithfulness to Naomi and Naomi's God. Naomi asks whether Ruth would just go her own way as her sister-in-law did when their husbands died. She advises her to do the same thing. However Ruth was different-she chose to be different and set her life apart. "Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God."

2. Ruth chose the set-apart life.

When we make the decision to be serious with our relationship with God, it may not be a heart pounding, world altering moment but it will change the way you live the rest of your life. God calls us to be a set apart nation, we are holy unto him. We have to be different then the world. We aren't going to make a difference in this world if we blend in. You parents aren't going to make the decision for you. In fact people you trust might suggest you do otherwise-but you have to make the choice. You have to decide, am I going to live this life for God or not? Will you allow yourself to have God and God alone as your Lord? You tell me, its up to you.

Another point that struck me was found in chapter 2:2, the simply sentence that reads "One day Ruth said to Naomi…"

3. Ruth moved forward.

This was a pivotal moment for Ruth. She didn't know it-but it changed the course of her life. Again, riding on the shirt tails of the Esther lifegroup study-this was the hinge in the door to a reversal of destiny. This seemingly mundane moment where Ruth took the initiative to head into the field-it changed her destiny from widow to wife. I've heard it said, and found it personally to be true, that God can't direct you when you're not moving. Only when you take steps forward, can God turn you to the right or left. He orders your steps, but he won't make you move. Are you crying out to God for direction only to find yourself standing still? What is God calling you to? Move forward, it could just be the hinge point to a door of destiny!

Here is the moment that we meet the 'prince charming' of our story. Honestly it makes me think of in Beauty and the Beast when Belle is sitting on the fountain singing of her book- you know the scene! Let me sing it to you as I unfold this awesome story of Ruth! "Oh! Isn't this amazing! Its my favorite part because –you'll see! Here-is where she meets prince charming! But she won't discover that its him till chapter three!" For our story it even happens in CHAPTER THREE! Back to Ruth- she is going out into the field like SHE decided to do. And she meets Boaz, who when he finds her gleaning from his field, kindly declares in chapter 2 verse 9 "And when you are thirsty, help yourself to the water…"

4. Boaz offers refreshment and Ruth recognizes her insufficiency

Oh Beloved! Do you see it!? Jesus is the living water, and he offers it freely without judgment. We are receiving blessing from a place not our own-look at Ruth's response to the kindness of Boaz. Ruth 2:10 says "Ruth fell at his feet and thanked him warmly. 'Why are you being so kind to me?' she asked. 'I am only a foreigner." She recognized herself as unworthy of the nourishment Boaz freely offered. She was a foreigner to that land. Oh, the summersault that my stomach does as the comparison is drawn! We too are foreigners to this land of God, to the family of God- but he offers us living water! But one mistake to many of us make is that when we see our unworthiness we too often sulk in it rather than bow at the feet of our Redeemer.

In the following scriptures Boaz continues to provide blessing for this foreigner to his homeland. We read in chapter 2:14 a phrase with one word that shows a foreshadowing of our ultimate Redeemer- "and Boaz gave her food-more than she could eat"

5. Boaz provided an abundance.

Did not Christ declare "I came to give you life and life more abundantly"? Do you see dear Ruth-though you do not deserve such a cup of overflowing blessing-your Redeemer is giving you the abundance!

Then the story takes a strange turn as we see Naomi advising Ruth to "do as I tell you…go to the threshing floor…uncover (Boaz's) feet and lie down…" (v. 3_3-4). You may be asking- Why would a virtuous woman do such a aggressive thing? You see, it was custom in that time that a widow would have legal claim to her deceased husband's closet male relative as found in Duet. 25. Naomi was urging her to again move forward.

6. Ruth took hold of what was legally hers.

Just as Boaz was according to law called to marry Ruth and uphold the name of her late husband-we have legal right to all that Christ's blood purchased us-but do we operate therein? No! Let us move forward at the urging of the Spirit and take hold of that which is ours. Christ's sacrifice shall not be for naught!

This next part thrills my spirit within me. And I must confess my romantic side bubbles over as well! This precious scripture just enlightens the chivalry of our King of Kings. Set the scene-the moon hanging low, as Boaz awakes to Ruth lying at his feet (v.3:9, 11)

Ruth: "I am your servant Ruth, spread the corner of your covering over me, for you are my family redeemer…" (this could be translated as "I am just a servant-but if you would only take me into your home-I know that you are the only one who can save me!"

Boaz: "Now don't worry about a thing my daughter (daughter was not a creepy thing to call Ruth-it was an endearment). I will do what is necessary, for everyone in town knows you are an honorable woman."

7. Boaz fights for Ruth

Oh the grin that I can't get off my face! Even after Ruth reminded him oh so begrudgingly- I am your servant. She didn't expect to be treated any higher, yes she was claiming her legal right-but she expected the bare minimum. But Boaz not only blessed her abundantly he fought for her. Oh weary hearts soak that in! Jesus, your Redeemer will fight for you. Even when you view yourself as a mere slave, a servant, he will fight for you! Let him fight for you-he says to not worry, for he will take care of it all, once we surrender ourselves to him he will make all things right. The legal has already been done. Dear one- please listen to your Redeemer's voice as he whispers of how he has fought for you! All you must do is follow the leaders in your life, choose the set apart life, move forward, worship in the midst of your sufficiency, receive the abundant life, take hold of what Christ has done for you-and watch your God fight for you!

Now take heart and laugh with joy at the comfort in this scripture we find in the last chapter- 4:13 "So Boaz married Ruth and took her home to live with him." And do you know dear one- that through this work of God's providence – Ruth was one of the ancestors of Jesus of Nazareth, that's right dear one-your Redeemer brings you right into the bloodline of the Messiah. Our Redeemer is coming for us after the fight of the ages and he is taking us home for eternity. Now go forward and live your life with your Redeemer, he is fighting for you, will you worship at his feet and surrender?

The Power of God; Breaking the Box

So I owe you all a recap on my amazing Nicaragua trip, its taken so long to post this beacuse..well honestly-I sent this same thing out as a thank you for those who supported me :) So I wanted them to get their hard copy before I shared the digital. :)
If you were one of the many who supported me in ways whether monetary or spiritually I can't thank you enough-this recap can't barely sratch the surface of what God did in that country or in me, but I hope it give you a glimpse anyhow!

I have learned afresh the lesson that whenever you 'know' what to expect in an event, God has already planned to smash your nicely created box into unrecognizable splinters. My box this summer was comprised of previous mission trips, preconceived notions of how God works, and the confidence in my own ability to be used as a vessel for God. I knew how they would act. I knew how they would respond, I knew. It was all about me; but His box is crafted in the shape of the power of God. I thought I knew; then came Monday afternoon.

At our first ministry site we had just left a small church and crossed a muddy street to spend time at a nearby school. A girl on our team slipped in the mud and got her foot dirty. Allow this snapshot to materialize before your mind's eye-an elderly woman on her hands and knees with a bowl of water literally washing this girl's feet with her hand. I couldn't hold back the tears that gingerly slid down my face. God was blatantly saying, "La bienvenida a Nicaragua Cassie; welcome to Nicaragua." God began to pull at my quaint box; he was allowing me to see the heart of these beautiful people.

As the week progressed we went to the schools, kids grasped the idea of how God saw them. The dramas were impacting lives and hearts were being captured by Christ. However, one defining difference between these people and those we met in the Dominican were how receptive they were. The people of Nicaragua weren't quite as quick to trust. One example in particular was our bus driver Carlos. The first two days he had with us were hard as he adjusted to the new experience. When we decided to buy him a dinner after a particularly hard evening he had, you could see God softening his heart. He smiled, he thanked us; nails fell from my box. Our third day together was another encounter with the Holy Spirit where God tore my heart from my chest as I saw the servant heart of our friend Carlos. We attended a 2 hour church service and when we left our bus pulled over and through our interpreter, Carlos told us his three year old daughter was in the hospital due to a heart attack. He asked us to pray. He "knew that when we prayed, God did things." Carlos stayed with us even though his daughter was sick; this trip was NOT about me. This trip was about the people God wanted to reach. God preserved Carlos' daughter, God heard our prayers, and God began to show us how even our actions were reaching people for eternity.
We had numerous opportunities to pray with the staff of the hotel where we stayed. Maids were healed, cleaning crew got saved! My deceivingly sturdy box was being crushed yet it was barely still intact. The response of these people tore at my heart strings. They were so hungry for a touch from God. There was a boy on our last night at the crusades that had a tumor on his forehead, as our group prayed over him the tumor began to shrink! A woman was healed from spine and stomach pain and as she cried and thanked God, her children ran up to embrace her with tears of their own.

The people were asked what they felt when God touched them with healing and time and time again different people at different times said it was the power of GOD. I experienced the power of God anew. We cried for God to open the flood gates and capture these people once more, he did. We put the results of our prayers in God's hands and anything you commit to his hands will succeed.

Every prayer you uttered, every penny you gave is counted to you in God's record of remembrance. He will bless you, he will move on your behalf. Thank you for investing in the precious nation of Nicaragua, thank you for ushering in the power of God to satisfy the hungry hearts of a generation.
The power of God broke my box and the power of God broke the hard hearts of these people, and you dear one, made all the difference.

The Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power 1 Corinthians 4:20

What is a Zealot?

"Never be lacking in zeal, but have spiritual fervor serving the Lord" -Romans 12:11

A zealot, in this context, is one who lives thier life in order to personally KNOW the one known as Christ Jesus. He who lived, was crucified and rose again. He who all life is made to worhsip. This is a zealot.

Zeal is defined as a fervor for a person, place or cause. Enthusiastic, diligence or ardor.

Made In The Image of God

Made In The Image of God

Journal Entries..

Do you ever feel the wind on your face and just feel your breath catch as you realize in that wind is whisper of love from an eternal Creator? Do you ever read something in the WORD that makes your heart pound? Ever feel like you had tell someone the revelation God opened your eyes to?

I've felt that. And here is where I chose to share these things. Whatever you choose to call it, these truths, principles, revelations, whispers of love, or simply Words from God are things I felt I had to tell. Maybe they will impact you maybe not. All I know is that if one person hears God through this, that pounding slows, the weight on my chest lifts. All I know is if I hadn't placed these impressions in an accesible location for that one person to read and be impacted, then I would feel like I was doing an injustice to the truth God entrusted to my mind's understanding.